The artist is present again, Marina Abramović will perform in support of Ukraine

© Artsy
In a show of support to the Ukrainian people caught in the midst of a violent conflict, Marina Abramović will restage "The Artist is Present", one of her most famed pieces of work, with all profits going towards assisting the people of Ukraine.

An Artsy auction is currently live and people can bid to have a chance to be photographed facing the Serbian performance artist as she executes her famous sit-down work of art, and be gifted an autographed copy of the snapshot. 


The proceeds of the auction will go towards Direct Relief and its actions on the ground, providing hospitals with oxygen and other medical supplies to assist the victims of war.


Two lots are available, the first, a photograph with one sitter and the second with two sitters. At the time of writing of this article, the two auctions had respectively reached $11,000 and $16,000. 


Marina Abramović has been very vocal about her support for the Ukrainian people facing the Russian invasion: "I have full solidarity with [the Ukrainian people] on this impossible day. An attack on Ukraine is an attack on all of us. It’s an attack on humanity and has to be stopped.”, she said in a video.


If you wish to bid, you can do so until March 25, 5pm CET.