Artists donate works to fundraiser in support of Moria refugee camp

© State of Concept Athens
On April 21, not-for-profit arts institution State of Concept Athens launched a new initiative to raise funds to fight the coronavirus crisis in Moria refugee camp, on the Greek island of Lesbos.


In support of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), ‘Artists for Moria’ has seen a number of artworks by names such as Yael Bartana, Sanja Iveković, Bouchra Khalili and Laure Prouvost donated to the sale, with the proceeds going towards the provision of water and sanitation infrastructures, the recruitment of additional medical staff and the acquisition of essential equipment.


Even before the pandemic, the situation in Moria refugee camp was dreadful. Originally constructed to house just over 3,000 people, the camp is now home to more than 22,000 individuals, making social distancing measures and disease control incredibly difficult, if not impossible. The first cases of COVID-19 in Moria were reported on March 16, with numbers of those infected escalating since. The fundraiser aims to raise €15,000 to support vulnerable people living in such precarious conditions, trapped in overcrowded camps with limited access to healthcare, whilst drawing attention to the necessity for a structural, European-wide defense of refugee rights.


Full list of included works, a good number of which are special editions for Artists for Moria, here.